Panic & Safety Rooms

A panic or safety room is a special designed enclosed area within a new or existing building, adding value in terms of safety and protection.

Such a construction is not easy to cover the safety demands, only by building thicker walls with extra reinforcement. That’s why we consider the use of carbon fiber mats, polymeric resin and sealants therefore we achieve relatively thin walls, still keeping the safety level at its highest. The panic room can be used of course for the deposit of valuables as well.

There are 4 basic types of panic rooms, depending on the level of services that the owner requires. Several mixes of these types are available also.

A. Temporary Protection
Up to 3 hours protection against armed robbery
  • Total area 9 sq.m.
  • Owner has to enter himself via door.
  • Hidden only via furniture barriers.
  • Protection against flood, fire, earthquake.
  • Bullet proof up to 7.62x51 mm.
  • CCTV, independent telephone, electricity control panel.
  • Water and food supplies, first aid kit.
  • Independent electricity and exhaust system.
B. Long Period Protection
Up to 24 hours protection against armed robbery
  • Total area 9 sq.m.
  • Owner has to enter himself via door or slide from any room.
  • Hidden within the main structure or behind furniture barrier.
  • Protection against flood, fire, earthquake.
  • Bullet proof up to 50 BMG.
  • CCTV, independent telephone, electricity control panel.
  • Water and food supplies, first aid kit, chemical WC.
  • Independent electricity and exhaust system.
C. Ultimate Protection
Up to 3 days protection against armed robbery
  • Total area 12 sq.m.
  • Owner has to enter only via slide from any room.
  • Build within the main structure.
  • Protection against flood, fire, earthquake.
  • Bullet proof up to grenade explosion.
  • CCTV, satelite telephone, electricity control panel.
  • Water and food supplies, first aid kit, chemical WC, sleeping mattress.
  • Independent electricity and exhaust system.
D. Doomsday Protection
Up to 7 days protection against armed robbery
  • Total area 16 sq.m.
  • Owner has to enter only via slide from many rooms.
  • Build within the main structure.
  • Protection against flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane.
  • Bullet proof up to bazooka strike and terrorism.
  • CCTV, satelite telephone, electricity control panel.
  • Water and food supplies, first aid kit, chemical WC, sleeping mattress.
  • Independent electricity and exhaust system.
  • Automatic time delay isolation system.
  • Extra safety exit when outdoor situation is safe again.